JAMES CAMERON FUND RAISING PICTUREArrow on a stick. Barry’s Bay statue. tax time at Richard Robyn’s across the streeteclipse on the cineplex roof yonge and egCHAT BOOK CREATIVE WRITING WINDSOR US. KISS IS THE THEME WITH MY STORY ON KISS’S LAST CONCERTtwo women pass along stage USED on my story about Carnival Nationz launch, not my photographHOWES IT GOING? GORDIE HOWE BRIDGE UNDER CONSTRUCTION OVER THE DETROIT RIVERauthor signs a Blacker shade of Blue photo by Sheila Kay for my reviewMaria in Richard Robyn Barrys Bay office. tax timeMaria western sandwich in Barrys Bay before we head home after taxesal pacino in Serpico movie 1974 old Eyeopener publicity stills
Maria leaves for work on retirement day, snow all gone April 2024