Hollow flashlight. Ontario Science Centre award winning design. Took picture for their press activities this Monday – Space launchOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA
family on ice, andrew, mike, donna and maria
The Caribbean Camera took the family picture at the party. “Looking at the picture from left to right you see my son with the tee shirt ‘property of Saldenah’ Ronny, Ariel, myself Anton and Aaron,” explained Carnival’s very young senior citizen.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAlonglist books 2019 RBC Taylor Prizestory to go with the time capsule photocelebration to note the new $10 bill for Viola. Time capsule to be buried across the street on the construction site Bathurst Old Honest EdOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAItah Sadu’s Another Booklist on Bathurst StEven I am marking Xmas this year. Photo for my Flickr Group Steve, Steven and Stephens of this world!Hollow photoPoster – not my picture – Donna’s Army of Sass event