Waiting got this Mighty bomber’s grandsonQ&A about to begin re:immigrationhappy winnerand the winner isthe business of winningmore pizzamore and more pizza opusmore pizza more opus pizzacoffee break opusmore coffeeeveryone had a mealOpus Steven not Stephenspeaking about speakingwaiting for the winner of the drawtalking immigrationimmigration talktalking immigrationlate arrivallining up to hear about reliefrecoverywest talkQ&A about to begin re:immigrationimmigrationOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAopus pizza breaksigning in the studentssigning in the studentspresident Chris welcomes the OPUS studentspresident Chris welcomes the OPUS studentsSteve – opus – at the podiumsideview of author the sleeping car porter giller winner windsor readingsideview of author the sleeping car porter giller winner windsor readingmighty bomber’s grandson – RyanWindsor living tree skirtami at the Chinese student new year booth windsor uhappy new yearHappy new year, mandarin orange in a give away bag windsor U student centreReading – the sleeping car Porter – giller prize winner – Bibliosasis bookstore – Black history Month Wyandotte Street WindsorReading – the sleeping car Porter – giller prize winner – Bibliosasis bookstore – Black history Month Wyandotte Street Windsor