Shortly after showing up at the Bloor Street Emancipation Day event, the Fort York MP announced he isn’t going to run again for the Liberals. His wife Nicole in Red, organizer Itah Sadu has her arm raised.Many sections to the Emancipation Day ParadeSigns say it all. Christie Pitt Park. Stephen Weir photographerOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAEnd of the Bloor Street walk. Slave section show their signsEnd of the Bloor Street walkholding up the signs that were shown on Bloor Street in TorontoPlaying in front of the ROM. Part of Emancipation Day event in Torontodowntown TorontoThe joy of MasMajor media story for CBC radio, TV and cbc.camore pictures crom yonge and bloorIn costume for a serious reason!Yonge and Montgomery – shoes part of functional art installation. But, have been removed as of August 5, 2021Mas in front of the Tiffany store on Blooryoung drummer in Christie Pits Park – TorontoNeville’s book – for a 1990 show at the McMichael Canadian Art Galleryactors wearing slave chainsSlim Jim®, the on-the-go meaty snack has partnered with Chris ‘Slim Duck’ Boucher, Canadian professional basketball player, as its newest brand ambassador. The endorsement partnership will come to life in advertising materials, including social media and in-store displays at retailers across Canada this fall. (CNW Group/Conagra Brands, Inc.)Emancipation Flex on Bloor StWaiting for the event to begin. In the shadow of the Hudson Bay building at Yonge and Bloor in Toronto. Emancipation Day event – August 1, 2021August 1, 2021 Emancipation Day in TorontoEmancipation Day walk down Bloor, The Resistance with Calypsonian Henry Gomez left and companyThe Joy of Mas on the Mink Mile -Toronto- Emancipation Day event August 1purple door – toronto island – photo by Pat Whetung – do not borrow without permission. Needed for a photo savage hunt for Women’s Health
press photo from truck festival, not my photograph. do not useused in stories for media for this year’s Caribbean CarnivalScarborough Town Centre, Toronto. Photo by Herman S, Do not use without permissionFull Mas costume. Model at Carnival Flavours, outdoor music festival at the Scarborough Town Mall. Last event for 2021 Toronto Caribbean Carnival. Photo by Herman S. Do not use without permissionWendy Jones (Pan Alive) with the Garvey sign. Young girl and her mother with Black Power signs.Sign says child in this Edith Avenue house has graduated from grade 6 (Allenby) and a few days later the grad’s Power Ranger toys were up for grabs!