Picture of the Toronto Star’s front page of the Arts Section. Used it in a tweetPR photo from 1973-ish. Wrote a story for Ryerson papers about the band’s performance at Massey Hallnot sure this is mine. used on my website and facebook for carnival. mas camp launch for Jaamal Magloire’s Revellers.Those were the days. Early 80s probably. Porch of the Kaileo’s cottage on Lake Clear, Robbie and Maria in front, My parents on leftsideMas camp launch from 2015. Richmond Hill near the 404. sweir photo
Maria took this picture. Me in front Dad and Mom beside me. Lake Clear, Kalieo cottact porch. early 80s or late 70s2019 – cab driver said this street art was called Ape Shit MuralThose were the days my friend. 1975 – I was the editor of two papers in Lakefield / Bridgenorth. One day I drove into Toronto to sit in on a Hollywood presser at (as I recall) the Sutton Place Hotel. Red Hot director Peter Bogdanovich and equally Red Hot actress Cybill Shepherd were in town to promote their new musical comedy At Long Last Love. Was suppose to be her Bofo follow-up to her 4 star film, Daisy Miller. At Long Last Love was a flop even before it hit theatres. Movie plotline self described it as the story of “four socialite old friends unexpectedly clash, and switch partners during a party and attempt to make each other jealous.” Bogdanovich was a great interview, even put up with one dumb question from me. Cybill Shepherd came down from her room late, looked at the half filled room from the elevator and promptly returned to her suite! A no show. I went back to Lakefield with half a page of notes and theis (now badly faded) picture in my camera. btw – At Long Last Love starred Cybill Shepherd, Burt Reynolds, Madeline Kahn and Duilio Del Prete.Still cleaning out my old school files. Ryerson Eyeopener, probably fall 1975 Roxy Music at Massey Hall. Andy Mackay – Sax, Oboe & Keyboards. I developed my own pictures back in the day, Now 46 years later the print is showing how badly I screwed up mixing the fixer. I wrote “Roxy Music” on the bottom of the picture for the paste up of the paper before it got sent to the printerDancing in the Tweets – cleaning out my arts and entertainment files from my days with the Ryerson Eyeopener. 45+ years ago – Martha Reeves performing in Toronto, Picture probably taken at the late great Yonge Street’s Colonial Tavern.Ipad picture of the front page of the Globe Arts Section for twitter postStory about a radio station for Pickering and Ajax. Not happening because of CRTCmashup of pictures of the Kars glider club and a screen grab from the movie Greenland. Used in Weir Here post