2 pack a dayer 60-year old found-art photograph. No it isn’t me. Unclaimed snapshots from a long closed Windsor shop. Child is holding two packs of Export A cigarettes. Why our grandparents’ smoked. 1960
Actually a warehoused funhouse wall at the CNE. Old photo but using re: virus shutdownrelatively good condition – found on Briar HillYonge and MontgomeryMay 23rd poop bags Avenue Rd north of stclaircell photo near lawrence and bathurst – covus relatedMaria took this picture in the 80staking pictures of the stuff I am finding in my attic cleanup. So far no bites on the 1990’s race car. Never out of the boxtaking pictures of the stuff I am finding in my attic cleanup. So far no bites on the 1990’s race car. Never out of the boxBACK ALLEY MURAL IN THE GAY VILLAGEOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAVICTORIA DAY IN TORONTO ON YONGE STOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAContact / Band photography show outdoors Brock St TorontoOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI am cleaning out my attic of my files. Finding some interesting stuff. Back in the seventies I probably attended a presser at the GM Oshawa Assembly Plant. Swag was this coaster set. No idea why I got it, or what it stands for. Box in terrible shape but set itself is in good shape. Ipad photo