Ricard Robyn and Maria Nenadovich beside the portrait of the Sinking of the Mayflower, shot take in Barry’s Bay Hotel
photo I used for story on Niagara Falls carnival parade august 2023Mitzy Hunter, former MPP and now running for mayor checked out the weekend Word on the Street Festival,word on street – toronto – Queens Park. Ink earl by windsor U prof on salemural better than food. Uncle Betty’s. Yonge St just north of CastlefieldBefore – Stoney Lake bait building near Young’s Point 1978LAKEFIELD LEADER STAFF. BILL DICKSON MISSING AFTERBEFORE COLORISATION LAKEFIELD LEADER STAFF. BILL DICKSON MISSINGFAILED ATTEMPT TO SHOW RENFREW STUDENT STICKING A CREAMER ON FACE AT HARMIS RESTAURANT IN 1965YELLING AT NORTH TIP OF QUEEN’S PARK. ANTI TRUDEAU. STOPPED WHEN I COMPLIMENTED HIS BODY. POSED. NICE GUY TILL HE STARTED YELLING AGAIN. WORD ON STREETUNKNOWN-MAYOR-CANDIDATE-AT-WORD-ON-THE-STEET.WORD ON THE STREET AUIDENCE QUEEN’S PARKBOOK OF THE DEAD AT THE HIMALAYAN CAFE ON YONGE STart of the blur. Found pix in my camera.JUDITH PENFOLD. STILL HAVEN’T FOUND HER. NOR THE BEST MAN JOHN MCILVRIDE OUR 46TH ANNIVERSARY MAY 27JUDITH PENFOLD – OUR BEST LADY 46 YEARS AGO. CAN’T FIND HER OR HER EX HUSBAND JOHN MCILLVRIDEBev Don (middle) and Maria Nenadovich (right) of the Yonge Lawrence Village BIA receive an Eglinton- Lawrence Volunteer Service Award from MPP Robin Martin. Happened last week.@jamai_photography photographer Rate R section Carnival costume launch – I wrote story and used this publicity shotnot my photo but I have seen the graffitiMURAL DOWNTOWN NEAR AGONDP MPP PRESENTS CERTIFICATE TO AFRICAN GROUPNDP MPP PRESENTS CERTIFICATE TO AFRICAN GROUP LIB MPP (L) AND CONSERVATIVE MPP (R) IN BACKGROUNDAI colourisation of this photo taken in Trinidad 1915 of a mining crew loading train near Pitch LakeAI colourisation of this photo taken in Trinidad 1915 of a tar pit crew in front of pitch lakeTrinidadian woman – originally in sepia before I saws colourisation AI AP1890s from a glass negative of this Trinidadian woman – originally in sepia before colourisationRAISE AND POINT! AFRICIAN UNION FLAG RAISING QUEEN’S PARKRAISE AND POINT! AFRICIAN UNION FLAG RAISING QUEEN’S PARKAI colourisation of this photo taken in Trinidad 1915
NDP, Conservative and Liberal welcome African Union to Queen’s ParkAfrican Union Flag risesnew outdoor art in front of the AGO in Toronto =cell picturenational anthem sung at flag raising at Queens ParkMARIA TOOK THIS. CLUBS HAVE PATRONS TAKE PICTURES OF THEIR COAT RACK NUMBER! MARIA TOOK PIXTHIS IS THE FLAG DESIGN ON THE FLAG RAISED AT QUEEN’S PARKOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAJUST AFTER THE SHOW MARIA TOOK THIS OF THE SIGN. I HAD A CAMEO“Bless me with good fortune,” he whispers to her. She’s young, with crinkly red hair and freckles crowding her cheeks.Two doped up men were camped out for the afternoon at Toronto’s sculpture gardens. Took a break from smoking up to take a closer look at the African sculpture installationMe and the painting of the sinking of the Mayflower. Balmoral Hotel stairwell. Maria took this picture of me12- year old Balmoral Hotel in Barry’s Bay. Delivering 2022 tax returns to Richard Robyn April 21, 2023