st patrick’s day parade on Montserrat, from used them in a story I wrote for the Caribbean cameraJAMES CAMERON FUND RAISING PICTURECLEANING OUT EYEOPENER PUBLICITY STILLS. AL PACINO. 1973 SERPICOFace at the end of the detroit river walk, windsor side. Stephen Weir photo cellyoung Somali Canadian’s portrait hangs in the TD exhibition at the Union train station. photo of AMMANAH installation by sweir /cellGordie how is the bridge going.Canadian side of bridge construct of the Gordie Howe bridgeBlack artists’ work on display photo by sweir on cell
black photographer featured in train station exhibition of Black Art. Cell photo by sweirTD BANK EXHIBITION IN A OBSCURE HALLWAY ON THE WAY TO THE AIRPORT EXPRESS TRAIN PLATFORM.
Covered the Merdian Centre’s dance performance of Sting’s Message in a Bottle. Theatre had extra tickets for Maria and Ilocal dishes was served at the monsterrat st patrick’s day parade. photo from Caribbean Camera story by sweirAt the Montserrat parade. supplied by media services for my article in the Caribbean Camera
cleaning out my eyeopener files. publicity pix 1973ish. Joel Grey Man on a Swing