
May 2012 – Pandemic Photos for the month and pics from the past

MashUp Mammut
Mammut was one of the top acts at the 2018 Airwaves Festival in Iceland. Mammút is an Icelandic rock band based in Reykjavík. Formed in 2003 this all-female trio highlighting vocalist Kata (Katrína Kata Mogensen) pictured in the mashup above. After the concert I posted a mash-up photo of Mogensen. 3-years later revisited the mashup and switched out one of the source photos- Still a mash-up double exposure, blurry photograph!
Newspapers on my table
Used to illustrate a weekly twitter I do about art and authors in the Toronto Star
Cleaning files. From a story in the 1974 Ryerson Eyeopener
There she Blows
St Vincent supplied photo
Cleaning files. From a story in the 1974 Ryerson Eyeopener
Jack Weir
My Dad passed this month at the age of 96 in Ottawa
Voice of the Turtle?
Cell picture of Toronto street anti-vax message
Ross King - big news in the Toronto Star
Have been tweeting about authors and artists appearing in the Toronto Star. Use my Ipad to take pictures of Deb Dundas’s articles
Bean Bag Concerts
Bean Bag Concert 2019 in Bogata Colombia
Octopussy Mas Costume
On the catwalk of NBA’s Jaamal Magloire (Revellers) costume launch. Theme? James Bond Movies. 5 years ago.
A really old street dog
Toronto restaurant sculpture promoting their hot dogs. 2018
Voice of the Turtle? May 2021
Cell picture of Toronto street anti-vax message
Cleaning flies Eyeopener newspaper
74/75 era picture of Joni Mitchell on stage in Toronto. On back of photo I have written “With the Band”.
Voice of the Turtle?
Cell picture of Toronto street anti-vax message

 May  2021 Mash-up, photos from New Orleans January 2020. Sign made me take this picture of my shadow as I took a photo at the New Orleans Sugar Bowl Parade.