I was walking late at night near the John Ross School when I heard a hissing. Santa bleeding out. Tried to save him. Knife hole too big. This is a 10second mash-up of Santas last breath of air.Santa aired out just before he could reach the safety of the porch. Leaside, Toronto, Ontario, CanadaPain by the Drain. Willowdale Santa aired out with a knife wound. Extension cord left behind but Claus’s lights taken.Leaside – Toronto. Extension cords and lights missing, so said the distraught owner… and someone cut Santa’s guy wires.Etobicoke vandals took down Santa but couldn’t bleed out his air – This Claus a tough old birdMass murder, only the penguins left standing. Uhmm. East York, OntarioOwner and I chased away a killer just after he created a pyre of aired out Santa Claus and helpers. Had gasoline ready to melt them down. Blower and lights taken. I left duct tape with the ownerSanta and the dead raccoon reindeer Wendy Robbins.Suggested I put it on my front lawn come summerAss Up For Dead Santa. Oriole Park district, Midtown Toronto. Last days of the XMAS holidayOriole Park district, Midtown Toronto. Last days of the XMAS holidayNo one in Forest Hill heard to this tree-tall giant santa fall (except me). With a bang Christmas ended on this quiet street. Blower, lights and extension cords stolen (along with the spirit of Xmas). Toronto, Ontario, CanadaDidn’t see Santa’s remains in the bush till the wind ruffled his red cap. Shived. Midtown Toronto.But no sticking Santa’s head back on his deflated body. Chainsaw massacre in Forrest Hill, TorontoMassive pile of slain santas in Leaside. Deflation hits midtown Toronto,Many Santas taken out, but somehow snowman survived. Hmmm suspected we have an accomplice. Leaside.Streetside view of the mass murder scene. Snowman somehow escaped knife attackI walked by just as Santa was airing out on the front lawn (St Clair and Bayview). No cops on the scene and I was without my yellow crime scene tape. Luckily there were Candy Canes nearby, so I put them to good use to preserve the murder scene.Santa Yoda lost! knife beats light sabre. Mill St and Mount Pleasant