
Iceland November 2022 Airwaves, Murals and Art, Family and book launch (and much more)

Book Launch held in a tent, behind the Reykjavik jail, photos by Andrew and sweir
It gets dark early. Launch started at 3.15. Crew set up flares to light path back to well lit street
I was the only one wearing a mask. I am at the back end of the auidence photo by Andrew

books and beer
books, booze and poetry reading in book store in downtown reyjkavik on Saturday afternoon
Waiting for author Hegningarhúsið, Iceland’s oldest prison, opened in 1874, holds 16 prisoners. This prison is located on Skólavörðustígur in downtown Reykjavík.
weir enters tent as launch begins, photo by Andrew
Cut flowers very expensive in Iceland. Crew setting up the book launch tent – photo by Andrew